Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Halfway Through the Pregnancy!

Today I am 20 weeks pregnant- halfway through! People have asked me whether it has gone fast or slow, and I suppose it is a combination of both, depending on the month and in what point we were in our gallivanting around the Caribbean or up and down the east coast of the US. Either way, it has been the best five months of my life, topped off by the most special day of our relationship last Tuesday when we found out that we are having a baby girl!

It was so important for me to meet the doctor here in Miami and to feel comfortable with the medical area. I loved everything about it and I know now that we are meant to be here and deliver here. Seeing our little girl up on the ultrasound screen made everything so real. She (whose name we will reveal on her birthday) is about 6 inches long and weighs about 1/2 a pound! Mom and baby are doing "beautifully" according to our doctor and our due date was pushed back one week to October 4th (Seems our doc in Dominica had a broken maternity wheel). I feel so lucky that I have felt so energetic and healthy throughout the pregnancy, minus a few weeks of upset tummy back in January and February, and I am excited for the next half of the journey. Here are some pictures of the baby bump of late. Miami is treating us well- more updates on that to come.

 17 weeks (last night in Dom)
20 weeks ( on our new balcony overlooking the pool area where I spend lots of time!)


  1. you look AMAZING! so does your new place! so happy for you and your little girl. =) can't wait to meet her in ny!!

  2. You are too cute! Funny thing about that Dominica doc. They moved my due date up a week here so we are officially 2 days apart! Miss you.

  3. Oh my CONGRATULATIONS!!!! SO excited for you and Emmet and so happy that all is working out splendidly for you in Miami. Cannot wait to see this beautiful little girl in October =)

    Loev ya,

  4. Now you're only due one day before me. We really might be sharing a hospital room! :) You look wonderful! Congrats!
