Sunday, September 4, 2011

35 weeks!

Here's the bump on September 4th, one month before due date :)

This past Tuesday marked by 35th week of pregnancy! Emmet and I are getting more and more excited by the day, and the belly is growing fast. Thankfully, we got good news from our final ultrasound this past Tuesday: baby is facing down and knows which way is out! Also, she's weighing in at 5 lbs and 10 oz. and will prob gain about 1/2 a lb. a week until delivery leaving her at about 7 and 1/2 lbs. on her birthday, they predict. We shall see how comfy she is in there and how long she wants to keep on cooking! Most importantly, she is already practicing her breathing and her heartbeat is strong. Fun remarks were that she has long femurs and narrow torso, which the Doc says means she will be built like me and a big head, which Emmet takes full credit for!

Thank God for Taylor, whose been keeping me company these past few weeks while the boys prepare for the STEP 1!


With Emmet hitting the books hard, I am getting in my last bit of rest and relaxation before Baby F comes, reading and painting up a storm. One thing that has been really incredible for me on my daily outings has been the way strangers have treated me since I entered my third trimester. Twice this week, someone offered to carry my bags to the car, once at Winn Dixie and once at Michael's. Everywhere I go, from church to the supermarket, people smile at my belly and say "Felicidad Mami!" It's been a beautiful thing to experience, and I am really touched by the kindness of the Latin population here and the goodness I see in everyone when I'm on my errands.


  1. Oh Meagan I am so excited for you. Being a mama is so great! I just want to tell you as you enter the last weeks is to be prepared. You never know when the big day will come! Even as I was headed to the hospital I didn't think it was happening. I thought I would get there and just be sent home, but instead I got a baby. Oh I can't wait for you to have her!!! Love the belly, and even though you don't think its possible you CAN get bigger.

  2. Meagan, you look so beautiful! Thanks for the update! Wish I were there to give you and baby F a big sandwhich hug.

    Love from the island!!
