Tuesday, October 4, 2011

40 weeks! Ready and waiting...

So we finally made it- 40 weeks! Today is Baby Ferriter's due date, although she seems not to notice, snug as a bug in a rug in there. I have definitely been "nesting" in the last 2 weeks, unable to sit still and rearranging her little onesies over and over in her drawer as I anxiously await labor pains. I have been lucky enough to have been feeling great to the very end.

No matter what the calendar boxes say, my Nanny Gorman's quote still remains true for every generation, "When the apple's ripe, it will fall." Speaking of grandparents, Mom and Dad arrive today which will be a much needed distraction and break from lazy days by the pool watching the time go by ever so slowly.

 At a beach in Naples last weekend on mine and Emmet's last spontaneous road trip before her arrival...

We have thoroughly cleaned and decorated the house for our baby two weekends in a row now...

 A simple, yet cozy nursery for our baby girl

Fancy outfits washed and ready to wear for her first visitors...

Now, all there is between us and parenthood is time, a week at most! Mom will take me to the doctor tomorrow for an ultrasound and check up and we'll go from there. Words cannot describe the excitement and anticipation in my head and heart these last few days. We're ready for you sweet child, whenever you are <3


  1. Come on baby girl!!! I can't wait to hold you:)

  2. Wishing you the best, Momma-Meagan & baby girl!

  3. Oh Meagan I cannot wait for you. So exciting! Being a mamma is so amazing as you will soon know. I hope for you that she comes soon and safely. Oh the anticipation!!!

  4. Awwww Meagan, I am so excited for you and Emmet and your sweet little family! xoxo

  5. Thinking of you Meagan!! can't wait to hear the good news- any day now :)
