Monday, December 12, 2011

Little Keeley in the Big Apple

This past weekend, we took Keeley on her first trip to New York City. Since Emmet was on call Thursday night, he was off on Friday giving us a three day weekend of sorts. Our first stop was my grandmother's apartment, which we used as a home base to walk to the South Street Seaport on Friday afternoon.

 Bundled in the Moby Wrap, ready for a stroll in front of Southbridge Towers

At the South Street Seaport, Brooklyn Bridge in background

A New York family photo

 The fresh air and attention from strangers all around knocked her out

 So Mom and Dad enjoyed a pint at "Fresh Salt" pub

 Until she woke up to experience her first bar

 Back at the apartment, QT with Aunt Kerin and Uncle Sean

And Chinese food with Aunt Jo Anne, Pat and Pat and Uncle Den

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