Tuesday, January 10, 2012

3 months old notes

Keeley has officially graduated from the "newborn" phase, which has come with lots of big changes in a short time. Now a sturdy, smiley little character, it's hard to believe she is the same peanut who arrived in New York at 7 lbs.back in early November!

Keels also took the big leap from her "Moses Basket," which she has slept in since birth, to the "Pack and Play," where she now happily can stretch out her long limbs while she snoozes. Speaking of sleep, getting there slowly, but surely. The six hours stretches we saw back at 8 weeks have disappeared- usually, it's more like a 4 hour than a 3 hour night.

Parenthood has been quite the adventure for Emmet and me. Every week there are new developments, joyful ones such as laughing out loud or acrobatics on her tummy mat, and not so fun ones like figuring out whether her intense cry sessions are due to gas, hunger or no reason at all! Recently, she's a drooling fiend so now there's the question of teething? These children sure are a mystery, and Keeley definitely keeps us guessing. Even though I'm sure we will never completely figure her out, we are certain she's the best thing that ever happened to us and seeing her smile up from her bed every morning is, well, amazing.

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