Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Labor Day away from our girl

When we got the invitation to our college friend Ed Lobb's wedding to be held in Pittsburgh on September 1rst, we decided it was a good excuse for a weekend away to see old friends and have our first weekend away from Keeley. Katherine and Fritz generously gave up their three day weekend to watch a ten month old on the go and they did a fantastic job!

We drove down to Philly with Keeley arriving Thursday night and then flew out to Pittsburgh on Friday afternoon. Immediately we met up with all of Emmet's college housemates and partied hard with lots of stories about Holy Cross memories to keep us laughing. The wedding was absolutely spectacular taking place at a beautiful old cathedral in the city and an elegant reception back at the hotel.

The biggest treat for Emmet was our trip to Primanti Brothers, a Pittsburgh gem known for big sandwiches with french fries and cole slaw on top. The biggest treat for me was to be able to sleep in for the first time since Keeley was born!


  1. What a fun weekend. We loooove Primanti Brothers. Fries actually on the sandwich...genious!

  2. Looks like you guys had a nice weekend! I'm sure you were so excited to see Keeley again!

  3. YAY! A weekend getaway.. How dreamy! We miss ya'll!
