Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Lactose Intolerant Christmas

After the girls had the enterovirus this fall, there digestive systems did not, let's say, "go back to normal." Our pediatrician suggested to try a lactose intolerant diet for both of them, because viruses can alter their stomachs for a while- give the belly a break was the idea. I was astounded, but the good news was, it worked. How can I eliminate more foods from my girls' already picky selection? A life without cheese? milk? yogurt? I was clueless. The doctor reassured us it should only be temporary - 6-12 weeks hopefully. I feared a summer without ice cream, a life asking other Moms what ingredients made up every dish they served. In time, I got over it, adjusted my cooking and now have a repertoire of lactose free meals and snacks. Who knew that with a little extra time at the grocery store in the dairy section, you can find some dairy free substitutes that work and taste ok.

The biggest hurdle this holiday season, though, was baking. No milk chocolate and no butter? You got to be kidding. But when you know it helps your kids, what can you do? Needless to say, our December was full of allergy free "Snickerdoodles" and "dairy free chocolate" chocolate chip cookies. YOu never know what parenthood will throw at you next.

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