Thursday, August 4, 2016

A Long Summer

I will always look back on the summer of 2016 as being tough. It killed me to see the pressure Emmet was under, making the most of every minute to study for the Internal Medicine Boards which he took in mid August, and knowing he had to pass. 

I remember wanting to keep the kids on their best behavior so that he could study at night or just have some light hearted time with them on his very brief breaks. On top of studying, he was starting a new job, all of which created a lot of transition for the Ferriter 5. 

I remember the weekly trips to Scarsdale, NY to get Maury's DOC band adjusted and to try and alleviate the skin irritation that incurred from wearing a helmet though the warmest and most humid weather.

Lastly, I remember the joy, but more-so, the stress of owning a new home, a home that the kids were not familiar with yet, and one that did not have air conditioning. It took me a while to learn everything, from how to live with two floors, to which light switch connected to what, to how to turn on the hose, all the while trying to keep these 3 occupied through the summer heat. 

And my sweet Keeley Rose, everyday, through all this transition, was filled with a restlessness and an excitement that I could not contain about starting kindergarten in the end of summer. And I found it almost impossible to keep her occupied.

Some days, I thought I would lose my marbles, but it was in the little moments, out on a blanket under my favorite tree in our new yard with our three children, that I found peace, strength and comfort about being there for the kids and for Emmet during this time and finding the hope that fall would bring routine, good Boards results, and a rhythm to our new life in Newtown.

Maury looks like a chunky little guy in this picture. The girls love to try and pick him up.

On days when it was too hot midday to play outside, the playroom was my sanity. The girls always amaze me with their imagination and it warms my heart when I catch them in times playing nicely together.

I filled the pool everyday, and parked Maury in his stroller in the shade to watch his mermaid sisters.

On days when our yard just wouldn't do, Ali Ferrier, my dear friend, would rescue us with an invite to swim in her pool and play with her kids for a while.

And when the August sun got too hot to bear, and I felt cranky myself, even I ended up in the baby pool. The neighbors must think I'm one looney mama.

A happier son, I could not have asked for ;)

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