Friday, April 22, 2011

After the LAST FINAL in Dominica

There no need to try and explain how excited the boys were when they finished their last big exam... and now that we now they all passed with flying colors, I am happy to post the evidence of their victory swim on PBH beach on our last night in Dominica!
 boys will be boys :)
 Emmet, Meg, Kyle Adams, Kyle Phillips, Taylor, Carlo
 literally jumping for joy (ok Taylor and I coaxed them into it...)
last beach day together on the isle...
 and after sad good-byes with all of our close friends-above Emily and Nathan Shelman (Heidi, your good bye hug definitely made me tear up!)
 The sun literally set on our time abroad living in the Caribbean <3
And it was quite a sunset to remember

1 comment:

  1. ok LOVE LOVE LOVE this post. What a day to remember!
